Joseph MassaroMar 14, 2023Premiere: Shadow Show Stirs up a Spellbinding Stew of Garage-Psychedelia on "Radiant Hue" While currently embarking on their spring tour across the states, the Detroit garage-psych trio Shadow Show returned today with a new...
Julia DerwasJan 17, 2023The Exbats: Garage Doo-Wop from the HeartEffortlessly traversing genres, The Exbats move between '60s girl groups, teenage tragedy songs, bubblegum garage pop and trashy rock 'n'...
Joseph MassaroJul 4, 2022Video Premiere: Eggy Stirs up Candy-Striped '60s Psych-Pop on "The Luckiest Girl in the World"Avant-pop mavericks Eggy have shared with us "The Luckiest Girl in the World" and its accompanying video from their upcoming album, With...
Joseph MassaroMar 23, 2022The Sprawling Sonic Meditations of Good MorningLiam Parsons, one-half of the Naarm/Melbourne garage pop institution Good Morning, discusses the duo's new double-single and reflects on...
Joseph MassaroApr 13, 2021Horsegirl: "If We Could Have It Our Way, the Coming Years of Independent Music Would Be Led by Young, Punk-Minded Bands"After releasing their debut 7" and signing with the prolific Matador Records, we caught up with Horsegirl to discuss their sudden rise,...