Jacob King of T.T.T.T.: "Putting Songs Out in Small Chunks Seemed To Happen Gradually as Time Passed, but I Totally Feel Ambitious for Even Bigger Things"
Nick Normal: "We've Been Playing the Same Set for a Couple Years Now, Almost. I Always Feel Like It's Okay To Keep Playing It Because Most People on the Planet Have Not Heard Those Songs Yet"
THINE RETAIL SIMPS: "The Best Parts of Recording Were These Long Jams Where We Would Just Let the Tape Roll and See What Happened"
The Carp: "We Just Dialed in Different Components From Our Other Projects and Made Something New Out of It"
Licklash: "The Initial Goal Was to Sound a Bit Tougher and Bigger Than Anything We'd Previously Done"
Straight Arrows: "It's Better To Keep Moving Forward Than Try To Breathe Life Into Some Corpses of the Past"
Loose Lips: "We Didn't Want To Do Anything That Was Strictly Punk or Power Pop and Maybe in Doing So Focus on Creating Our Own Sound"
The Unpredictable and Unmistakable Sounds of Chris Burns & His Going Concerns
Punks Want Fan Club, Not Lysol!
Answering Machines: "I Started This Band To Have Fun and Do Whatever I Wanted"
Ménage Détroit: "It Came Into Fruition Very Naturally. Duos Are Also Easy Because We Can Actually Communicate and Schedule Stuff"
Rave On With Sugar Tradition!
Fen Fen: "Every Song on The New Album Clocks in Under Two Minutes and is on the Verge of Falling Apart"
Choncy: "We Are at a Point Now Where We Play Through Our Set Quickly, With Little Breaks, Intentionally Shaping Our Set in a Fluid Way to Keep the Crowd Moving"
Plastic Act: "I Didn't Want to Go Through The Process of Finding People to Play With, so I Did It All Myself"
D. Sablu: "I Think There Will Be People Who'll Probably Put Us In A Box and I'm Sure They'll Not Be Into This 'Sonic Leap' That I Speak Of, But At The End of The Day, This Is For Me"
Smirk's Nick Vicario Reflects on Moving Out East and Saying Goodbye to Old Self-Destructive Tendencies on New Single "Bad Behavior"
Premiere: 208 Blast Through The Completely Blown-Out, Primal Aura "Tantrum"
Krystian Quint and The Quitters: "It's Been a Dream for a Long Time and I Couldn't be Happier That We're Finally Making it Happen"
This is Rock 'n' Roll: Fink Talks Preserving The Blown Out Charm of Tokyo Punk with Latest Band Angel Face