The Circulators: "I Couldn't Put Much Significance Behind It Other Than Just Wanting to Document Those Songs and Make Something That We Could Be Proud of and Say, 'Hey, We Made an Actual Record!'"
THINE RETAIL SIMPS: "The Best Parts of Recording Were These Long Jams Where We Would Just Let the Tape Roll and See What Happened"
The Carp: "We Just Dialed in Different Components From Our Other Projects and Made Something New Out of It"
Cut Piece: "The Steamy Trash Can Fire of The World was Becoming Too Much, So I Needed to Start a Hardcore Band"
The Real Losers: "We Wanted It to Be Intense, Discordant, Noisy, and Full-on. Our First Show Together Had People Sticking Their Fingers in Their Ears, so We Knew Then That We Were on the Right Path!"
Premiere: Itchy and The Nits Belt Out Snotty Bubblegum Punk on "Square"
The Judges Twist Around a Rush of Primal Rock 'n' Roll on "The House Always Wins"
Premiere: Cherry Cheeks' Wildly Manic Synth-Punk Returns on "Pure Power"
All Hail Tha Retail Simps
The Larynx-Shredding Raw Power of Sick Thoughts
Pyrex: A Dizzying Dive into the Dystopian Hellscape
Nick Vicario of Smirk Exudes Cool Confidence While Poking at the Anxieties of Modern Life